Regional Logistics

Regional Logistics is a topic that the AGRONAUTEN have dealt with since some time. It has been also the theme of a European Grundtvig learning partnership project with partners from Finland, France and Belgium. The results of this 2 year long work has been published in a report. Here you can download this report.



The issue of regional logistics was discussed from the Agronauts as part of the Grundtvig EU project in 2013-2015. In this process examples of the respective countries were gathered in cooperation with the project partners of Urgenci (international network of Community Supported Agriculture), Voedselsteam (regional supply organisation, Belgium) and Luomuliitto (eco-organisations, Finland). This was documented in a paper (here in English). It introduces the steps that are needed to build up and improve the organisation of a regional and sustainable supply.


Here (in English) an overview of the participating organisations and the Grundtvig project: project overview regional logistics.

Here the reports about the journey of the experience exchange:

Lyon: Lyon visit report Oct 2013

Finnland: Grundtvig Meeting in Finnland Jan 2014

Leuven: Leuven visit report April 2014

Freiburg: Report Grundtvig Juli 2014

Marseille: Report Marseille Mai 2015

Finnland 2: Report Finnland May 2015

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