Die Agronauten organise a number of events with the goal of providing information and stimulating discussion on issues related to sustainable, regional agriculture and food systems. Some of these events are in English.
There is also participation and presentations at numerous events in Germany and Europe, even in Brazil!
Here are some examples of our work.
- AgriKultur Festival and AgriKultur Event Series (in collaboration with wine producer A. Dilger and BUND)
- Festival The Landing of the Agronauten – Beauty and Economy (in collaboration with Allmende Kontor Berlin)
- Seeds as A Cultural Good (in collaboration with seed-organisations from the region
- Presentation of UNCTAD report”Wake up before it is too late” by Dr. Ulrich Hoffmann
- Mobile exhibition on The Future of Agriculture
- Presentation series: “DenkRaum AgriKultur”. Short presentations and discussions on the relation of agriculture and culture from science and practice
- “Neue Wege in der Regionalwirtschaft” (Friedrich Ebert Foundation)
- “Necessities and Requirements of Sustainable Food Consumption” (SOE Conference, Universität Freiburg)
- “Regionalwert AG – A model for regional development” (Region Massiv Central, France)
- “Structure organisant des circuits courts dans la région de Fribourg” (Regional Parliament Strassbourg)
- “The Regionalwert AG” (Ashoka Changemaker Conference, Paris)
- “Civic initiatives on Access to Land for Local, Sustainable Farmers in Western Europe” (10th European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus, Workshop on Succession in farming and new forms of business operations, together with Véronique Rioufol)
- Presentation and discussion with pupils from the UK, France, Spain and Germany “A regional approach to agriculture and nutrition” (Comenius Project)
- “Soziale Wirkungsanalyse als Aspekt der Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren” (Social Democratic Party of Germany)
- “Nachhaltige Formen der Landnutzung als Zukunftsaufgabe. Regionale Wertschöpfung für das Gemeinwesen” (Fritz Erler Forum)
- “Sustainable Agriculture and Land use” (presentation for Italian students)
- “Regionalwert AG and the European access to land movement” (Catalonya)
- “The access to land movement in Europe” (Brussels)
- “Die Agronauten” (Forum ProSchwarzwaldbauern)
- “Regionalwert AG” (Bristol, UK)
- Food sovereignty in Germany (Gernika, Basque country)