The Agronauten are happy to cooperate with students and there have been a number of successfull cooperations:
- PhD thesis S. Brand “Economic Worldmaking and Ecological Overshoot” (International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, University of Gießen, Germany)
- Bachelor-thesis D. Bednarek “Kann Freiburg sich selber ernähren” (“Can Freiburg feed itself”) (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Master-thesis W. Heredia “Forked and Forgotten: A study of food wastage throughout the supply chain of vegetables in Freiburg, Germany” (University of Freiburg, Germany)
- Supervision of university publication “Aprendiendo de las empresas sociales Seis casos de emprendimientos sociales en Europa” (“Learning from social enterprises – six cases of social entrepreneurship in Europe”) (Myrto Chliova et al., ESADE Barcelona)
- Internships for students, e.g. by R. Nabatanzi on “Urban Gardening in Freiburg” and S. Cettie on “CAP Reform an Nyeleni movement”